Giving Back

Slater & Son and its employees are deeply committed to the North State community. We proudly participate in and support the organizations below.

As individuals, our employees touch every corner of the community.
We support a wide variety of community groups, including Little League; Athletic programs at CSU, Chico; The Boys & Girls Club; Big Brothers Big Sisters; and Boy Scouts of America. We are involved with several community boards of directors and initiatives.

CSU Chico Build Blitz
Each year the Construction Management Department at Chico State University performs what is called the “Blitz Build”.
This event is performed in conjunction with the local business community to provide housing for a selected organization. The students of the Construction Management Department provide the labor and get valuable hands on real world experience managing and coordinating the project.
The typical project consists of building two 1100 square foot homes in just 10 days! How is that possible?
Local General Contracting firms, including Slater & Son, volunteer Project Managers and Superintendents on site during the building process to assist the students in coordinating the construction and managing subcontractors.
The students are involved in the pre-construction process for 6 months prior to the beginning of construction on site. This is a skill that they will frequently use throughout their career. The walls for the homes are constructed in an offsite warehouse and shipped to the site for assembly. The students gain valuable problem solving skills while working in team environment.
The results speak for themselves, the community receives much-needed affordable housing and the experience the students gain during the process is a valuable commodity that they will use time and again.

Amor Missions
Since 1997, Brandon & Chris have been volunteers with Amor Ministries building dwellings for the people of Northern Mexico.
Working in a foreign country under extreme conditions is a testament to their compassion for others. Long days in hot conditions are the norm while on this trip.
The volunteers camp outdoors while in Mexico, under the watchful eye of armed guards while they sleep.